Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Computer Lab-7 Language Arts

For computer lab time this week you need to...

1) Take out your pink and yellow papers for your research
2) Go to EBSCO and search for your topic (put in your topic, not your position)\
3) Remember the tricks to narrow down your search

  • click on full text
  • change the dates to 2000 to 2015
  • put quote marks in your search
4) The abstract is NOT your research-it is a summary of the article
5) When you find a piece of information you want to use...

  • Write down the source FIRST
  • Then, paraphrase or quote the information you want to use (if you quote, use quote marks!!!)
6) If you have any questions, raise your hand-do not call out!
7) By Friday, you need to have found at least 3 sources and at least 3 pieces of information overall.